Project Advertisements

Project Advertisements

We will have 2 options for projects to advertise themselves to our community:

  • Web3 projects will be able to promote themselves in our Bot Channel. 

  • Web3 projects will be able to promote themselves in our "Free Alpha" Telegram Channel. 

Bot Channel Advertisement

The Bot Channel advertisement will be a Telegram bot message where projects will be able to share a quick recap of their project with our community.

The message will be sent in the channel with the subscription bot. This channel is required to access the free Telegram channel. In this way, everyone who has ever interacted with the bot will receive this message.

Free Telegram Channel Advertisement

In the "Free Alpha" channel, advertisements will be placed underneath every announcement.

The project advertisement is clearly displayed at the bottom of the text. You can see the name, a Telegram group link, and a banner of the project for greater visibility.

Prices vary depending on how long you want the advertisement to be displayed.

Driving value back to the holders

Payments of said advertisements collected in USDT, USDC, or ETH, with 50% of the funds used for buy-backs and burns of $EAVE tokens. This approach helps to maintain the token’s value and rewards holders for their commitment to our ecosystem. Refer to the visual below for the breakdown of how this revenue stream looks like in practice.

Last updated